Monday, April 27, 2020

Expert advice on food for people with depression

Several leading researchers in the field of mental health have predicted that depression will be the leading cause of disability on a global scale in the next decade. A huge factor in the ever-increasing number of people with depression can be attributed to a lack of awareness. Peter Max.

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However, many people have rallied to the cause of battling depression. This blog shares a mental health expert’s guide to food that can help people suffering from this terrible disease. After all, in a crisis like this, every little bit helps. Peter Max.

To keep those energy levels up

Patients suffering from depression almost always complain of a lack of energy, which makes them feel lethargic, unmotivated, and uninspired. To keep those energy levels up, one should consume fruits and vegetables, as well as a healthy amount of carbohydrates.

As far as caffeine is concerned, while it may be effective in energizing a person, it may also lead to dehydration being a diuretic. Coffee and tea are acceptable as long as they’re taken in regulated amounts. Peter Max.

Food to stay clear off

Mental health experts caution people with depression to stay clear of food with high sugar content because of the sugar crash that might come after. They explain that the highest sugar highs may not be worth the lowest of the lows.

And of course, it goes without saying that people with depression should not drink alcoholic beverages since alcohol is known to dampen one’s mood and may very well worsen the condition. Peter Max.

Yankee lore: Remembering McCann’s toe

Peter Max is a long-time fan of New York sports teams. In fact, every time he gets together with friends, he loves talking about all the legends and lore that surround the Knicks and Yankees as much as he loves talking about current news about these organizations.

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On this blog, Peter Max recounts one of his favorite more recent Yankees stories – Brian McCann’s toe.

The world sees Brian McCann as a tough guy, especially after discovering that he not only played but excelled with a swollen left toe. Any baseball player will tell you that it’s darn near impossible. But McCann did it, and he did it splendidly.

Throughout the season, McCann has been a force to be reckoned with, being on base in 13 of 22 plate showings. He has reached base without incident twice in the five games he played in and even led the league with a jaw-dropping .591 on-base percentage. He tied the great Yogi Berra as a catcher to score 10 runs in six games.

But even with all the accomplishments, it was his effort despite having injured his left big toe that people will likely remember. A foul tip hit his toe, and yet he still managed to reach home base and tie the game. McCann refused to quit and helped the Yankees get their fourth win five games.